
Benjamín Solari Parravicini (foto) nasceu em Buenos Aires em 8/8/1898. Era um artista plástico de renome internacional. Seus dons paranormais começaram a se manifestar na década de 30, quando sentia uma necessidade enorme de desenhar as mensagens que recebia. Com o decorrer do tempo, apercebeu-se que esses desenhos eram proféticos. As suas profecias têm o mesmo padrão: um desenho acompanhado de um texto que recebia por psicografia.
Sobre a vinda de seres extraterrenos, habitantes do Mundo Racional, conforme já está descrito na obra transcendental UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, de autoria do mestre MANOEL JACINTHO COELHO, nascido no Rio de Janeiro, em 30 de dezembro de 1903 e criador da CULTURA RACIONAL DO 3º MILÊNIO, assim se pronunciou o profeta argentino, em 1938, três anos após a natureza ter mudado de fase, passando da fase do pensamento e da imaginação para a FASE DO DESENVOLVIMENTO DO RACIOCÍNIO: "Aparecerão voando nas alturas, círculos de luzes, trazendo seres estranhos de outros planetas. Sim, serão aqueles que vieram para povoar a terra e se dirá bem Sim! Chamaram-lhes anjos no Antigo Testamento, ou a voz de Jehova e de novo poderão ser vistos e serão escutados".
Mais adiante, em outra profecia, afirmou que "A Teoria de Darwin, deixará de ser porque se saberá que o homem desceu dos planetas".
Por final, Parravicini completou: "Diante as constantes visitas de extraterrestres a ciência negará, logo duvidará e por fim dirá ¡É verdade!. (...) Há séculos nos vigiam e contemplam!"
Existem ainda centenas de desenhos e textos proféticos. Os mais significativos estão no site http://www.cepua.xpg.com.br/AS-PROFECIAS-DE-BENJAMIN-SOLARI-PARRAVICINI.html. Num período entre 1935 e 1940, ele previu ainda que Hitler e Mussolini teriam o mesmo fim; o assassinato do Presidente Kennedy, em 1963; o atentado terrorista de 11 de setembro de 2001, que derrubou as Torres Gêmeas, e recente o vazamento de petróleo no Golfo do México...entre muitas, muitas outras profecias...e o presente/futuro? Parravicini previu a queda do domínio americano sobre o planeta ("Crise, Bolsa no chão" - "O milionário yankee deixará de o ser") e a manipulação genética ("Chegará o principio do fim! O homem anulará o seu ser, a biologia gritará que descobriu como fazer vidas sem o ser masculino e desta maneira com o uso da glicerina tirada das células, começará a fabricar seres sem hereditariedade, mas sim com vida de maneiras desconhecidas.)
Sobre o caos no planeta, previsto também por outros profetas, como Nostradamus, assim se pronunciou, em 1936: "Chegará o tempo das explosões atômicas e farão a destruição de cada ser, a radiação matará e fará nascer monstros de todas as classes animal e vegetal, o mineral se quebrará. Desde 66 o homem nascerá com os ossos cristalizados pelo estrôncio, e o estrôncio fará em sua vida um desastre, lhes anulará o cérebro, alterará o gene do esperma, matará o glóbulo vermelho, aumentará o cancer ao extremo. A força nuclear dominará e os amarelos com os russos questionarão os lucros de poder em tal sentido. O 666 chegará com as mão plenas de forças nucleares e raios misteriosos e paralisadores. De micróbios novos, de cometas artificiais com a..."
Um planeta será ferido por um planeta apagado que roda os espaços. Esse planeta será a Terra. A ferida do choque será na parte sul do hemisfério Norte e arrancará grande parte. Então o mundo terra vai tremer como um vulcão, igual a quando foi arrancado o pedaço da "América do Sul" hoje chamado no alto de "Suna". De novo o diluvio de novo a escuridão, de novo o eixo em seu lugar, de novo o rodar e um novo mar no fosso deixado, e de novo outra lua que brilhará mais. A 'Amnis". (1938)
"Escuridão total. Depois do Caos do caribe um só olho verá desde a única palmeira e verá a luz do Sul. Mudanças totais no eixo terráqueo, mas o Sul será sempre o Sul..." (1938)
"O CATACLISMO, E A HUMANIDADE VENCIDA, O cataclismo será predito e ninguem acreditará. Mas ele chegará!"
"Cai sobre a terra no dia 5 do 5 de cincos o golpe de fogo estelar. Cairá nas regiões de Gibraltar e nas ilhas Baleares. Três dias lá, dois na América do Norte e, finalmente, um dia de cinco horas nas Antilhas. O fogo purificará! (1938)
"A Igreja se equivocará nos seus passos e os seus próprios dirigentes a desequilibrarão".
"O Papado terá novas normas. A Missa será protestante sem o ser. Os protestantes serão católicos sem o serem. O Papa se afastará do Vaticano em viagens e chegará á América, entretanto a humanidade cairá". (1938)
Veja mais aqui: http://www.argemto.com.ar/1%20cont%20parravicini.htm.
Argentine prophet predicts the arrival of extraterrestrials to save mankind from total destruction of the planet
THE PROPHECIES OF BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI about future events, culminating with the arrival of Extraterrestrial
Benjamín Solari Parravicini (photo) was born in Buenos Aires on 08/08/1898. He was an artist of international renown. Her psychic gifts began to manifest in the 30s, when he felt a huge need to design the messages she received. With the passage of time, realized that these drawings were prophetic. His prophecies have the same pattern: a drawing together of a text received by psychographics.
On the arrival of extraterrestrial beings, inhabitants of the Rational World, as already described in the transcendental work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, written by the master Manoel Coelho Jacintho, born in Rio de Janeiro on December 30, 1903 and creator of CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF 3 MILLENNIUM, so the Prophet ruled Argentina in 1938 after three years have changed the nature of phase, passing phase of thought and imagination to the STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF REASONING: "will appear flying in the highest circles of lights, bringing beings strangers from other planets. Yes, it will be those who came to populate the earth and say well yes! They called them angels in the Old Testament, or the voice of Jehova and again can be seen and be heard. "
Further, in another prophecy, said: "The theory of Darwin, because they no longer know that man descended from the planets."
By the end, Parravicini added: "Faced with the constant visits of extraterrestrials to deny science, then doubt and finally say ¡Yes!. (...) Centuries come and watch us!"
There are hundreds of drawings and prophetic texts. The most significant are on the site http://www.cepua.xpg.com.br/AS-PROFECIAS-DE-BENJAMIN-SOLARI-PARRAVICINI.html. In a period between 1935 and 1940, he also predicted that Hitler and Mussolini would have the same end: the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 that toppled the Twin Towers, and the recent oil spill the Gulf of Mexico ... and many, many other prophecies ... and present / future? Parravicini predicted the decline of American dominance over the planet ("Crisis, Stocks on the ground" - "The Yankee millionaire cease to be") and genetic manipulation ("There will come the beginning of the end! Man quash his being, biology cry who discovered how to make lives without being masculine and in this way with the use of cells taken from the glycerin will start to produce beings without heredity, but with life in ways unknown.)
About the chaos on the planet, also provided by other prophets such as Nostradamus, so ruled in 1936: "The time will come from atomic explosions and the destruction of each will be, the radiation will kill and will give birth to monsters of all classes and animal vegetable, mineral breaks. Since the 66th man will be born with the bones crystallized by strontium and strontium will make in your life a disaster, they will cancel the brain, alter the gene of the sperm, kill the red blood cell, increase the cancer in the extreme. The nuclear force and yellows dominate the Russians will question the profits of power in this regard. The 666 will come with the hand full of nuclear forces and mysterious rays and paralyzing. From microbes new, artificial comets with a. .. "
A planet will be hurt by a planet that runs off the spaces. This will be the planet Earth. The wound of the shock will be in the southern part of the northern hemisphere and rip out much.Then the world will shake the earth like a volcano, like when the piece was pulled from the "South America" today called on top of "Sunnah". Again the new flood of darkness, new shaft in place, the new twist and a new sea in the gap left, and another new moon that will shine more.A 'Amnis. "(1938)
"Total darkness. After the chaos of the Caribbean will see one eye since the single palm tree and see the light of overall changes in South axis Terran, but the South will always be the South .." (1938)
"The CATACLYSM, AND HUMANITY Vence, predicted cataclysm and nobody will believe you. But he will come!"
"Fall on the earth on May 5, five of the stroke of stellar fire. Will fall in regions of Gibraltar and the Balearic Islands. Three days there, two in North America, and finally five hours a day in the West Indies. The fire cleanse! (1938)
"The Church be mistaken in their steps and their own leaders to desequilibrarão.
"The Papacy will have new standards. The Mass will be without the Protestant. The Protestants are Catholics without being. The Pope will depart from the Vatican in travel and come to America, but mankind will fall." (1938)
See more here: http://www.argemto.com.ar/1 20cont%% 20parravicini.htm.
THE PROPHECIES OF BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI about future events, culminating with the arrival of Extraterrestrial
Benjamín Solari Parravicini (photo) was born in Buenos Aires on 08/08/1898. He was an artist of international renown. Her psychic gifts began to manifest in the 30s, when he felt a huge need to design the messages she received. With the passage of time, realized that these drawings were prophetic. His prophecies have the same pattern: a drawing together of a text received by psychographics.
On the arrival of extraterrestrial beings, inhabitants of the Rational World, as already described in the transcendental work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, written by the master Manoel Coelho Jacintho, born in Rio de Janeiro on December 30, 1903 and creator of CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF 3 MILLENNIUM, so the Prophet ruled Argentina in 1938 after three years have changed the nature of phase, passing phase of thought and imagination to the STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF REASONING: "will appear flying in the highest circles of lights, bringing beings strangers from other planets. Yes, it will be those who came to populate the earth and say well yes! They called them angels in the Old Testament, or the voice of Jehova and again can be seen and be heard. "
Further, in another prophecy, said: "The theory of Darwin, because they no longer know that man descended from the planets."
By the end, Parravicini added: "Faced with the constant visits of extraterrestrials to deny science, then doubt and finally say ¡Yes!. (...) Centuries come and watch us!"
There are hundreds of drawings and prophetic texts. The most significant are on the site http://www.cepua.xpg.com.br/AS-PROFECIAS-DE-BENJAMIN-SOLARI-PARRAVICINI.html. In a period between 1935 and 1940, he also predicted that Hitler and Mussolini would have the same end: the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 that toppled the Twin Towers, and the recent oil spill the Gulf of Mexico ... and many, many other prophecies ... and present / future? Parravicini predicted the decline of American dominance over the planet ("Crisis, Stocks on the ground" - "The Yankee millionaire cease to be") and genetic manipulation ("There will come the beginning of the end! Man quash his being, biology cry who discovered how to make lives without being masculine and in this way with the use of cells taken from the glycerin will start to produce beings without heredity, but with life in ways unknown.)
About the chaos on the planet, also provided by other prophets such as Nostradamus, so ruled in 1936: "The time will come from atomic explosions and the destruction of each will be, the radiation will kill and will give birth to monsters of all classes and animal vegetable, mineral breaks. Since the 66th man will be born with the bones crystallized by strontium and strontium will make in your life a disaster, they will cancel the brain, alter the gene of the sperm, kill the red blood cell, increase the cancer in the extreme. The nuclear force and yellows dominate the Russians will question the profits of power in this regard. The 666 will come with the hand full of nuclear forces and mysterious rays and paralyzing. From microbes new, artificial comets with a. .. "
A planet will be hurt by a planet that runs off the spaces. This will be the planet Earth. The wound of the shock will be in the southern part of the northern hemisphere and rip out much.Then the world will shake the earth like a volcano, like when the piece was pulled from the "South America" today called on top of "Sunnah". Again the new flood of darkness, new shaft in place, the new twist and a new sea in the gap left, and another new moon that will shine more.A 'Amnis. "(1938)
"Total darkness. After the chaos of the Caribbean will see one eye since the single palm tree and see the light of overall changes in South axis Terran, but the South will always be the South .." (1938)
"The CATACLYSM, AND HUMANITY Vence, predicted cataclysm and nobody will believe you. But he will come!"
"Fall on the earth on May 5, five of the stroke of stellar fire. Will fall in regions of Gibraltar and the Balearic Islands. Three days there, two in North America, and finally five hours a day in the West Indies. The fire cleanse! (1938)
"The Church be mistaken in their steps and their own leaders to desequilibrarão.
"The Papacy will have new standards. The Mass will be without the Protestant. The Protestants are Catholics without being. The Pope will depart from the Vatican in travel and come to America, but mankind will fall." (1938)
See more here: http://www.argemto.com.ar/1 20cont%% 20parravicini.htm.
2 comentários:
O homem da foto é o Profeta argentino?
Sim, o homen da foto (em branco e preto) é quem escreveu as profecias.
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, na verdade nasceu em CORRIENTES (no NE argentino), nao em Buenos Aires. Isso diz na biografia dele.
Um irmao dele ainda vive, tambem amigos.
Quando algum fato acontece, pronto se lembram de alguma das profecias que forom escritas faz décadas.
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