Desde então, foram escritos pelo Racional Superior, 1.006 livros da obra Universo em Desencanto, através de seu representante na Terra, Mestre Manoel Jacintho Coelho. O ponto alto das comemorações ocorreu na cidade de Belford Roxo (Rio), onde se localiza o Retiro Racional e diversos monumentos erigidos pela Cultura Racional em homenagem à Fase Racional. O evento contou com a presença de milhares de estudantes do conhecimento transcendental e o desfiles de bandas racionais, vindas de diversos estados brasileiros.
Na oportunidade, os estudantes aproveitaram para alertar a humanidade sobre os recentes acontecimentos ocorridos no planeta Terra, como a tsunami nas ilhas Samoa, o terremoto na Indonésia e o tufão nas Filipinas, eventos naturais que deixaram milhares de mortos e feridos, causados pela fase de liquidação do animal pensador, sofredor e mortal. Isto ocorre porque a natureza está construindo o “aparelho racional” um novo homem, ser racional evoluído, ligado às forças cósmicas superiores que regem o universo, e liquidando o animal racional, livre-pensador e ligado à matéria em decomposição e destruição.
Texto: Julio Cesar Carvalho - Bom Jardim (RJ).
Foto: João Aliprandi - Vitória (ES).
Rational Culture celebrated 74 years of existence, with a warning to humanity
The Rational Culture of Third Millennium completed on Sunday, October 4, his 74th anniversary. The date was celebrated throughout Brazil and other countries around the world by students of transcendental knowledge contained in books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, authored by the Rational World of Rational Superior. The work of the Rational Culture began to be written on 4 October 1935, when the Rational Superior, Supreme Being of Rational World, arrived to Tent Spiritist Francisco de Assis, in Rio de Janeiro and announced the phase change of nature. That day began the new phase Rational of Third Millennium. Since then, 1,006 books named Universe in Disenchantment were written by Rational Superior, through his representative on Earth, Master Manoel Coelho Jacintho. The highlight of the celebrations took place in Belford Roxo (Rio), where is located the Rational Culture Country Background, where several monuments were erected in honor of Rational Phase, the Spacial Phase. The event was attended by thousands of students of the transcendental knowledge and also shows rational music bands, coming from different states. On occasion, students took the opportunity to warn humanity about recent events on Earth, as the tsunami in Samoa, earthquake in Indonesia and typhoon in the Philippines, natural events that left thousands of deaths and injuries caused by the liquidation of the animal thinker. This is happening because nature is now constructing the " rational apparatus " the new man, a rational being evolved, linked to higher cosmic forces that govern the universe, and killing the rational animal, free-thinker, linked to the decaying matter.
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